Miss Cook

Hi everyone! It’s your Language Arts/Social Studies teacher, Miss Cook. As you all know from the Autobiography projects, I grew up in Alexandria, and I’ve lived here my whole life. I have two cats, Sir Fluffmuffin and Seraphina. I love reading, writing, sewing, biking, flying trapeze, listening to music, and teaching.

Seraphina & Sir Fluffmuffin

Serafina & Fluffmuffin

My FAVORITE hobby is high flying trapeze! I started taking classes last summer, and it’s so much fun! I would recommend it to anyone who likes to try new things, even if you think it might be a little scary at first. I’ll continue to post pictures and videos throughout the year so you can check it out! :) Here’s a picture of me sitting on the trapeze bar! The instructors at the Trapeze School of New York (Which is in the Navy Yard in DC, right near the Nats Stadium) are soooo nice and helpful!

Flying trapeze!

Miss Cook loves trapeze!

I have a half-sister, Meredith, who is 6 1/2 years older than me. She has 3 awesome kids: Trenton is in 7th grade, Dylan is in 4th grade, and Caitlyn is 3. I love spending time with them. I have a younger brother, Jeff, who is 23 and just graduated from Marymount University. He played lacross there, and he loves sports. He has a daughter named Evie who will be one year old on October 30 (the day before Halloween)! :)

Trenton, Evie, Caitlyn, & Dylan



My brother Jeff and his daughter Evie

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